Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Final Hoofprints

These photos were taken a few days before Jess and I left for Sierra Fiddle Camp. We knew he would not be here when we returned. There really are no words to describe what a huge part of our lives this horse was. Looking back through all these posts, I see him woven throughout the fabric of our everyday. I still remind myself it's time to feed Billy lunch, as I have done for the past 13 years. I still hear his soft whinney in the mornings when I go out to the gazebo to sip my coffee. He was and will always be a beloved horse to each of us in this family. We miss him terribly. I am so grateful that we were able to bury his ashes up on the beautiful mountain on our land, where hopefully we will someday have a cabin. Gary is going to get a plaque made with his picture on it and some fitting words to put over his grave. 

1 comment:

McBean said...

You did such an exquisite job putting this memoir together of Billy. It was so much fun to read through the history - our history - with that wonderful horse and to see how much of life was shared with him. Thanks for taking the time and energy to put this all together... seriously. It will be treasured always.